Presseinformation von: Institut für Bildverarbeitung und angewandte Informatik IBaI

World Congress The Frontiers in Intelligent Data and Signal Analysis DAS 2012, Berlin, Germany, July 13 - 20, 2012,

(press1) - 3. May 2012 - Only two month left until the World Congress on The Frontiers in Intelligent Data and Signal Analysis DAS 2012.
We are looking forward to a very impressive congress program. New topics on Data Mining in Medicine, Marketing, Logistic, Image Mining, Biotechnology and other applications will be presented at the International Conference on Industrial Data Mining, ICDM2012 (   ).

The International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining MLDM 2012 (   ) will feature novel methods for classification, case-based reasoning and nearest neighbor classification, image segmentaiton, association rule mining, graph-based learning and learning of image features, fuzzy clustering and many more.

The International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Signals and Images MDA 2011 (   ) provides new and interesting applications of automatic signal and image analysis.

Short paper and Industry Paper will present work on progress or industrial application that are under work in banks and other industries. The four workshops on * Case-Based Reasoning CBR-MD, * Data Mining in Life Sciences DMLS, * Data Mining on Marketing Data DMM, and * Data Mining on Agricultural Data DMA will present interesting new ideas and methods for these topics (   ).

Tutorials will be given on four very hot topics in technology: * Intelligent Image Interpreation and Computer Vision in Medicine, Biotechnology, * Chemistry & Food Industry, * Case-Based Reasoning, * Data Mining, and * Standardization in Immunofluorescence (   ).

We can already announce it a great and exciting event â¤" a must for all researchers in Data Mining and a very excellent experience for all practionioners and industry people held in New York.

Come to join us in Berlin, Germany for the World Congress on The Frontiers in Intelligent Data and Signal Analysis. Register now at   .

Do not miss an extraordinary event on Intelligent Data Analysis. Last but not least, do not miss to visit Berlin, a very exciting, wealthy, and historical metropolean city, the conference location and the capital of Germany.  
Prof. Dr. Petra Perner
Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences, IBaI
Kohlenstr. 2
04107 Leipzig, Germany  


Institut für Bildverarbeitung und angewandte Informatik IBaI

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