Presseinformation von: DOOB GROUP AG

MERCHSTORE GmbH and DOOB GROUP AG team-up for global 3D-Technology partnership

(press1) - 14. Oktober 2014 - German 3D-technology company DOOB GROUP AG and the worldwide operating merchandising company MERCHSTORE GmbH start an exclusive, long-term global partnership in the development, creation and exploitation of 3D-technology products in the fields of Music and Entertainment.

Within the strategic partnership, DOOB GROUP AG brings in its comprehensive technological 3D-expertise and 3D-services and will be responsible for the development and production of personalized 3D-technology products for music and entertainment artists.

MERCHSTORE will provide its long-time know-how and extensive network in the exploitation of merchandising licenses and a multitude of already licensed artists. Furthermore MERCHSTORE will exclusively take care about the acquisition of additional music and entertainment artist licences. As a priority both parties defined the commercialization of so called 3D-DOOBs (true-to-original 3D-figurines) of artists and personalities.

"We are observing the global development of relevant 3D-technologies for the merchandising market since several years. But for the very first time we found with DOOB GROUP AG are real 3D-technology company, that provides a specially developed, fully-integrated 3D-technology-process-chain (3D-Scanning, 3D-Processing and 3D-Printing), that realises scalable industrial on-demand-productions on highest quality-level.", says Erik Schunder (managing partner of Merchstore GmbH)

Already back in the year 2013, DOOB GROUP AG opened the world's first 3D-consumer-retail-store (DOOB 3D-STORE / in Düsseldorf and produced until today more than 7.000 3D-DOOBs for end-consumers. The 3D-technology company and its technical developer have their roots in the fields of med-tech and developed in the past successfully 3D-products in the field of medical healthcare and architecture.

With Prof. Dr. Frank Piller, a worldwide renowned icon in the field of "innovation and mass/smart customization" is member of DOOB GROUP's supervisory board. Prof. Dr. Piller has a professorship for technology- and innovation management at the RWTH in Aachen (Germany) and is director of the MIT SMART CUSTOMIZATION GROUP at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Also in the collaboration with brands, agencies and renowned personalities, DOOB GROUP set new standards with its 3D-technology. The company and its international affiliates in Japan (Tokyo) and the US (New York City) realised for example a global 3D-selfie-campaign for one of the fastest growing fashion retailer UNIQKO ( , projects for brands like DR.OETKER or SAMSUNG and launched with the 3D-DOOB editions of German double-platinum artist CRO, the first 3D-figurines collection ever of a music artist in Europe.

Already two years ago, the Brazilian Football Association, commissioned DOOB GROUP, to produce a life-size 3D-DOOB statue of its legendary striker Ronaldo. Based on 7 photos of the World Cup final 2002, DOOB GROUP realised a true-to-original, monochrome 3D-statue of Ronaldo - a true novelty in the global 3D-Printing-Market.

With the DOOBLICATOR, one the world's first mobile 3D Live Scanning systems based on photogrammetry, DOOB GROUP offers also new possibilities and options for Live Marketing and concerts. Fans can do personal live scans at events/concerts and buy 3D-printed selfies of themselves or together with the artists. The contact-free 3D full-body scanning system realises a precise coverage of human bodies or other complex surfaces/structures in only 0.01 seconds.

"With the unique technical possibilities and the creativity in the 3D-product development of DOOB GROUP and our established distribution platforms, our logistical know-how and our joint global network and know-how, we are able to establish a worldwide unique synergetic joint-venture, that offers our clients a completely new dimension in merchandising and marketing/communications", states Tino Kunstmann, founder and managing partner of MERCHSTORE GmbH

The strategic partnership was initialised by Berlin-based consulting agency LETSROCKIT 3D Innovation GmbH. LETSROCKIT identifies, acquires and coaches relevant strategic partners for DOOB GROUP in the field of music, entertainment, sports, arts, brands and agencies on global scale and creates accompanying 3D Innovation marketing strategies and concepts.


Press Contact DOOB GROUP AG:

semanticom GmbH / Thomas Huber / Reinhardstr. 41 / 10117 Berlin / Telefon +49 * 30 * 27 58 08 10

DOOB GROUP AG / Mirsad Devic / Kaistraße 18 / 40221 Düsseldorf / Telefon +49-211-38858-115

Web Links:

DOOB GROUP Corporate Website:  
MERCHSTORE GMBH Corporate Website:  

Über den Herausgeber:

Pressekontakt DOOB GROUP AG:

semanticom GmbH / Thomas Huber / Reinhardstr. 41 / 10117 Berlin / Telefon +49 • 30 • 27 58 08 10

DOOB GROUP AG / Mirsad Devic / Kaistraße 18 / 40221 Düsseldorf / Telefon +49-211-38858-115


DOOB GROUP Corporate Website:




Pressekontakt DOOB GROUP AG:

semanticom GmbH / Thomas Huber / Reinhardstr. 41 / 10117 Berlin / Telefon +49 • 30 • 27 58 08 10

DOOB GROUP AG / Mirsad Devic / Kaistraße 18 / 40221 Düsseldorf / Telefon +49-211-38858-115


DOOB GROUP Corporate Website:

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