Presseinformation von: Arts in Munich

Munich's English-language culture magazine

(press1) - Munich, November 04, 2014 - Since February 2011, Arts in Munich has featured exhibitions, cultural events and a whole host of reviews of restaurants, bars and hotels in English. Rachel Preece, founder of the online magazine, discovered a market niche, when she realized that most cultural information was provided in German. "I would spend hours trawling through German newspapers, blogs and magazines looking for culture info, and realized that there was so little information available in English. I started a weekly column about upcoming events in Munich for a US consulate magazine I wrote for, and found that I wasn't the only person after English-language culture tips. So I started Arts in Munich."

The magazine was given a visual overhaul in March 2014, and after winning the Isarnetz Content für München award at the IHK in May 2014, beating 83 other contestants to win the prize, the magazine has increased its readership numbers by over 600%. The magazine's target group is primarily native English speakers based in Munich, but it also enjoys a wide audience of English-language speakers planning a vacation in Munich, predominately visiting from the US, Canada, Australia and the UK. German speakers too, consult the site to research events and locations in Munich and further afield.

Arts in Munich is looking forward to exploring further exciting locations in Munich and wider Bavaria, and will continue to develop its strong focus on independent, Made in Munich brands.

For further information, please contact Rachel Preece:  


Arts in Munich

Arts in Munich

Von wem?
Ich heiße Rachel Preece, komme aus England und arbeite als Redakteurin. Ich bin 2008 nach München gekommen und habe mich gleich in diese Stadt verliebt ...
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