Presseinformation von: Institute of Computer Vision and applied Computer Sciences, IBaI

Join us for the Prestigious Congress on Data Mining, Big Data and Intelligent Signal and Image Analysis in New York in July 2016

(press1) - 25. January 2016 - For two weeks important scientists and industrial representatives from all over the world will present the newest results of the research in the so important fields such as data mining, big data and intelligent signal and image analysis in New York from July 10th to July 21th, 2016. They will discuss together the recent results and work out hot future trends in these fields.

Three conferences will take place one after the other: the International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Signals and Images MDA 2016 (, the Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM 2016 (   ), and the International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining MLDM 2016 (   ).

Four international workshops, one on Data Mining in Marketing DMM2016, the second on Internet of Things- E-Business to Manufacturing and LifeSciences B2ML 2016, the third one on Case-Based Reasoning CBR-MD 2016, and the fourth one on Multimedia forensic data analysis will introduce the newest results on highly explosive special subjects (   ).

Four tutorials will give industrial people and researchers the opportunity to get a quick and deep introduction to the hot topics Data Mining, Case-Based Reasoning, Standardization in Immunofluorescence, and Intelligent Image Interpreation and Computer Vision in Medicine, Biotechnology, Chemistry & Food Industry(   ).

On a job stock exchange industrial representatives can get in touch with young talents and experienced data mining specialists and interview them for the desired positions. An industrial exhibition give specialist companies the opportunity to market and to show the newest products in the area (   ).

Researchers and industry people can still submit their paper to the main conferences until February 15th, 2016 (   or   ).

Short paper and abstract papers (industry papers) can be submitted until April 20th, 2016. Workshop paper submission is open until March 20th, 2016.

Participants can register now and save 20%! The registration site is open now and can be found for MDA at   , for ICDM at   , and for MLDM at -   .

We are looking forward to welcome you in July 2016 in New York. Join us for the conferences. Meet people from all over the world. Discuss with us the topics and share with us your ideas. Get inspired for new projects or operational tasks in your company. Meet people from all over the world and have fun together during the social program!  

Institute of Computer Vision and applied Computer Sciences
Kohlenstr. 2
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 (0) 341 86 12 273
Fax: +49 (0) 341 86 12 275

E-mail:   Director: Prof. Dr. Petra Perner


Institute of Computer Vision and applied Computer Sciences, IBaI

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