Presseinformation von: Institute of Computer Vision and applied Computer Sciences, IBaI

Meet us in New York for the Top IT Worldcongress on the Frontiers in Intelligent Data and Signal Analysis - DSA´2016

(press1) - 16th September 2015 - Are you interested in hot topics on data analysis and data mining? Do you want to know the newest research on Big Data? Are you keen to hear the hot news on signal and image analysis and interpretation for real world applications? Then, do not miss this event.

For two weeks top researchers from all over the world will meet in New York for the Worldcongress on the Frontiers in Intelligent Data and Signal Analysis, DSA2016 (   ) and discuss new topics in intelligent data and signal analysis.

The congress will run from 10 to 21 July, 2016. The congress is comprised of three top conferences:

- Intern. Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining, MLDM2016 -   ,

- Industrial Conference on Data Mining, ICDM2016 -   ,

- International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals with Applications in Medicine, r/g/b Biotechnology, Food Industries and Dietetics, Biometry and Securitry, and Agriculture, MDA2016 -   .

Three workshops on top topics on Data Mining are running in connection with this worldcongress:

- International Workshop on Data Mining in Marketing, DMM 2016

- International Workshop Case-Based Reasoning, CBR-MD 2016

- International Workshop I-Business to Manufacturing and LifeSciences

- The Internet of Things and Services, B2ML 2016 See   for more information.

Take one of the world leading tutorials on hot topics in:

- Tutorial on Data Mining

- Tutorial on Case-Based Reasoning,

- Tutorial Standardization in Immunofluorescence, and

- Tutorial Intelligent Image Interpreation and Computer Vision in Medicine, Biotechnology, Chemistry & Food Industry. These tutorials allow newcomers in the field to get a quick introduction to the field and experts in the field get updated on the newest results in these fields. See   for more information.

An exciting social program will be featured during this congress duration.

Public audiences as well as professionals from different industrial fields, finance, and marketing as well as public entities are most welcome to attend this wonderful events to meet many prominent professionals from all over the world. With your participations, it will be even more successful and fruitful event.

The registration to the public audience is open now at:

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Do not miss this event. We are looking forward to meet you one of the most exciting event in intelligent data and signal analysis.
See you in New York.

Sincerely yours,
Prof. Dr. Petra Perner
Chair of DSA2016


Prof. Dr. Petra Perner
Institute of Computer Vision and applied Computer Sciences, IBaI
Kohlenstr. 2
04107 Leipzig

Fon: +49 341 86 12 273
Fax: +49 341 86 12 275



Institute of Computer Vision and applied Computer Sciences, IBaI

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